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Imagineers (Threes)
Three years old are cooperative, cheerful and eager to please. They enjoy new experiences, their friends and are increasingly independent.
Provide a great variety of indoor and outdoor activities with riding toys, balls, a balance beam, and climbing apparatus, will help to improve and develop large muscles and provide a variety of crayons, markers, pencils, scissors, play dough, block, puzzles, etc. for the use of small muscles and to help them to get a greater control of hands.
At this age, children need a large amount of time for informal play. They need to be reinforced to share. Give opportunities to them to feel helpful, letting them to help in classroom. They also need to enjoy imaginary play through the housekeeping center.
Praise often and use materials and activities where child experience success. Increase the reading activities where interpretation is basic. They need clear rules but to be loved.
It’s important to teach children at this age, ways to express wants and need and work out problems with words and teach them to follow directions.
Children start to be very curious at this age. They can recognize names, colors, numbers, shapes numerals, etc. They can compare objects and their attention spam is increasing. They begin the process of learning begins to be exciting to them.